Black Healing Community Dinner

Friday, July 26th, 7pm

Hot Pilates & Hot Topics

Please join us for this special and one-time only Inferno Hot Pilates class that will be followed by a short discussion in the lobby about Portland’s upcoming election for those who want to stick around.

This fall, Portland will elect an entirely new government and one of our own teachersJesse Cornett, is a leading candidate to join the city council. We’ll have beverages and a short discussion about the city and ways to help. 

The Hot Pilates class will be led by Angela Patrick.

What is Inferno Hot Pilates?

Using Pilates prin­ci­ples, Inferno Hot Pilates is a chal­leng­ing, full body, low impact, high inten­sity tabata system work­out. It is per­formed on a yoga mat in a room heated to 95 degrees and 40% humid­ity. Hot Pilates strength­ens mus­cles and burns fat — all with­out the pound­ing of a high impact work­out. We may also use either body-weight, light to medium hand-weights and/or resistance bands in classes.

It’s like a party, but also a workout!
Designed for all fit­ness levels. 

60 minutes. 
90-95 degrees. 40% humidity.