Ashtanga Primary Series
Sunday, Feb 9th – 2-4pm
It is considered a beginner series but is also accessible to all ages and levels of practice. It is also considered rigorous and challenging. Even if you haven’t yet practiced the Ashtanga Primary Series, a familiarity with Vinyasa yoga will support you as both draw from a similar set of poses and both cultivate inner focus and tie the breath with movement. One key difference is that Ashtanga follows a precise set sequence of poses while Vinyasa might take these poses and vary them from one class to the next.
Andy has been practicing the primary series since 2002 when she began studying with direct descendents of founding teachers in the United States. She considers Ashtanga and its focus on pranayama, bandhas and the postural sequencing to be central to lifelong vitality and intends to practice for the remainder of her life, stemming from the first decades of study.